Gamja-chae Bokkeum || Stir-fried julienned potatoes, 감자채볶음

Gamja-chae Bokkeum, Gamjabokkeum || Stir-fried Potatoes, Stir-fried Julienned Potatoes, 炒土豆丝, 炒土豆絲, じゃがいも炒め, 감자채볶음, 감자볶음 4

Gamja-chae Bokkeum is a popular Korean side dish that features stir-fried julienned potatoes. It’s a simple yet flavorful dish that’s often served alongside other Korean dishes.


  • Potatoes
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Gochugaru (Korean chili powder)
  • Garlic, minced
  • Sugar
  • Sesame oil
  • Sesame seeds


  1. Prepare the potatoes: Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin julienne strips.
  2. Heat the oil: Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat.
  3. Fry the potatoes: Add the julienned potatoes to the hot oil and fry until they are golden brown and crispy.
  4. Add seasonings: Add soy sauce, gochugaru, minced garlic, and sugar to the pan. Stir to coat the potatoes evenly.
  5. Finish: Add sesame oil and sesame seeds for extra flavor and garnish. Stir to combine.
  6. Serve: Serve the stir-fried potatoes hot.


  • Soak the potatoes in cold water: Soaking the potatoes in cold water after cutting them can help remove excess starch and prevent them from sticking together.
  • Don’t overcrowd the pan: Avoid overcrowding the pan when frying the potatoes. This will help them cook evenly and become crispy.
  • Adjust the spice level: You can adjust the spice level by adding more or less gochugaru.
  • Other vegetables: You can add other vegetables, such as carrots or onions, to the dish for extra flavor and texture.

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  1. Potatoes are sometimes referred to as “underground apples,” because they are rich in vitamin C and low in calories. For this dish, julienned potatoes are seasoned with salt and stir-fried with onions.

  2. じゃがいもは「地中のりんご」と言われるほどビタミンCが豊富で消化に良い。また、カロリーが低いため、じゃがいも炒めは老若男女問わず人気があるおかず。千切りにしたじゃがいもに塩で下味を付け、水気を切ってたまねぎと一緒に炒める。

  3. 土豆被誉为是地里的苹果,富含维生素C,易消化,热量又不高,可谓老少皆宜。土豆切丝,加入少许盐腌一下,控干水分后,加入洋葱一起翻炒至熟。

  4. 土豆被譽為埋在地底下的蘋果,是富含維生素C,有助於消化,且熱量不高的男女老少皆愛的蔬菜。把擦成絲的土豆用鹽醃製,倒掉水之後跟洋蔥一起炒熟。

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