Geot-jeori || Baechu-geotjeori, Fresh Kimchi, 鲜辣白菜, 鮮辣白菜, 浅漬けキムチ, 浅漬け, 배추겉절이

Geot-jeori || Baechu-geotjeori, Fresh Kimchi, 鲜辣白菜, 鮮辣白菜, 浅漬けキムチ, 浅漬け, 배추겉절이 4

Geotjeori is a type of fresh kimchi that’s not fermented, unlike traditional kimchi. It’s a quick and easy dish that’s perfect for those who want to enjoy the fresh, crisp taste of kimchi without the long wait.   


  • Napa cabbage (Baechu)   
  • Salt   
  • Gochugaru (Korean chili powder)   
  • Garlic, minced   
  • Ginger, minced   
  • Fish sauce   
  • Sugar   


  1. Prepare the cabbage: Cut the napa cabbage into bite-sized pieces. Salt the cabbage and let it sit for about 30 minutes to soften. Rinse the salted cabbage and squeeze out excess water.   
  2. Make the seasoning paste: In a bowl, mix gochugaru, minced garlic, minced ginger, fish sauce, and sugar.
  3. Mix the cabbage and seasoning: Add the seasoning paste to the prepared cabbage and mix well.
  4. Serve: Serve the geotjeori immediately.   


  • Adjust the spice level: Add more or less gochugaru to your preference.
  • Other vegetables: You can add other vegetables like radish or cucumber to your geotjeori.   
  • Storage: While geotjeori is best enjoyed fresh, you can store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days.

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  1. Tender cabbage leaves shredded, salted, and mixed with bulb onion, salted anchovy juice, and red chili powder, with sesame oil added later. Fresh kimchi is one of the quickest and easiest types of kimchi to make, making it great when one becomes bored with or runs out of aged kimchi.

  2. 縦切りにした白菜を塩漬けした後、わけぎ、カタクチイワシの塩辛、粉唐辛子の薬味と和えたものにごま油を少し入れたもの。熟成キムチが切れたり、漬けて日の浅いキムチに飽きた際に食べる即席キムチで、味も新鮮でさっぱりとしている。

  3. 嫩白菜用刀切成大片后用盐腌渍,再加入小葱、鳀鱼酱、辣椒粉等调料搅拌,最后加入些许香油即可。过冬辛奇吃完了,或者吃腻了酸辛奇时,可制作现拌现吃的鲜辛奇,味道鲜辣爽口,十分美味。

  4. 用刀把嫩白菜切開,用鹽醃製一下,然後加入香蔥、鯷魚醬、辣椒粉等材料進行攪拌,再稍微加一點香油。當陳辛奇吃完,或厭倦了酸味辛奇時,這種即食的辛奇由於其新鮮的口味,可以勾起人的食欲。

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